Au revoir France

Hi all, And so my four months in France (and Europe in general) have sadly come to an end. The session has come and gone so quickly. After being home for a few days, only now am I really starting to wrap my head around it. I had a wonderful few days in Amsterdam where … More Au revoir France

Newest Vimy Guide

Hello everyone! This week has been my first few days on exchange at Vimy and a trip to the White Cliffs of Dover. On Monday, I started my exchange at Vimy. Usually during the sessions the guides from each site do at least a few days at the opposite site, but this time we are … More Newest Vimy Guide

Luck of the Irish

Hello all, Time for another post; this time about my week at work and recent trip to Dublin, Ireland! Starting off with my week at work, it was a relatively tame week but tours are getting more and more frequent! Generally, I am giving at least two a day now, each being about 50 minutes. It … More Luck of the Irish